
An up-to-date publication list is available at


  1. Journal
    Predictive modeling of the ratings of perceived exertion during training and competition in professional soccer players
    Emmanuel Vallance , Nicolas Sutton-Charani , Patrice Guyot, and 1 more author
    Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2023
  2. Conference
    CRNN-based splash audio event detection for fish monitoring
    Ardit Sota , Patrice Guyot, Fanny Alix , and 1 more author
    In 10th convention of the European Acoustics Association, Forum Acusticum , 2023


  1. Conference
    Synchronization of speech and gestures in an interactional context (SyncoGest Project)
    Domitille Caillat , Ludovic Marin , Christelle Dodane , and 8 more authors
    In ISGS 2022-9th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies , 2022
  2. Conference
    Measuring synchronization between movement and music toward a multi-scale approach
    Hamza Bayd , Patrice Guyot, Benoit G Bardy , and 1 more author
    In MOCO’22-8th International Conference on Movement and Computing Conference , 2022
  3. Conference
    Automatic scoring of synchronization from fingers motion capture and music beats
    Hamza Bayd , Patrice Guyot, Benoît Bardy , and 1 more author
    In 1st Int. Workshop on Intelligent Systems in Human and Artificial Perception , 2022
  4. Communication
    Synchronization of speech and gestures in an interactional context (SyncoGest Project)
    Domitille Caillat , Ludovic Marin , Christelle Dodane , and 9 more authors
    In ISGS 2022 - 9th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies , Jul 2022
  5. Communication
    Measuring synchronization between movement and music toward a multi-scale approach
    Hamza Bayd , Patrice Guyot, Benoît Bardy , and 1 more author
    In MOCO’22 : 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing • Chicago, IL, U.S. • June 22th - 25th, 2022 , Jul 2022


  1. Journal
    Improving vehicle re-identification using CNN latent spaces: Metrics comparison and track-to-track extension
    Geoffrey Roman-Jimenez , Patrice Guyot, Thierry Malon , and 7 more authors
    IET Computer Vision, Jul 2021
  2. Conference
    Fish migration monitoring from audio detection with CNNs
    Patrice Guyot, Fanny Alix , Thomas Guerin , and 2 more authors
    In Audiomostly 2021 - a conference on interaction with sound , Sep 2021
    Audio Mostly 2021 (AM ’21), September 1–3, 2021, virtual/Trento, Italy. ACM, New York, NY, USA
  3. Communication
    Can we predict the internal load (perceived exertion) from the external load (GPS) with machine learning?
    Emmanuel Vallance , Nicolas Sutton-Charani , Patrice Guyot, and 1 more author
    In ACAPS 2021 - 19ème congrès international des chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives , Oct 2021


  1. Journal
    Verbal art as heuristic for semantic analyses: how non-prosodic poetic structure in the verbal art of Muylaq’ Aymara (Muylaque, Peru)
    Matt Coler , Patrice Guyot, and Edwin Banegas-Flores
    LIAMES: Línguas Indígenas Americanas, Oct 2020


  1. Journal
    The Call of the Wild: assessing the potential for ecoacoustic methods in wildness mapping
    Jonathan Carruthers-Jones , Alice Eldridge , Patrice Guyot, and 1 more author
    Science of the Total Environment, Oct 2019
  2. Conference
    Comparison of prediction post-processing algorithms for semi-supervised polyphonic sound event detection
    Léo Cances , Patrice Guyot, and Thomas Pellegrini
    In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) , Oct 2019
  3. Conference
    Audiovisual annotation procedure for multi-view field recordings
    Patrice Guyot, Thierry Malon , Geoffrey Roman-Jimenez , and 7 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 25th international Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2019) , Jan 2019


  1. Journal
    Sounding out ecoacoustic metrics: Avian species richness is predicted by acoustic indices in temperate but not tropical habitats
    Alice Eldridge , Patrice Guyot, Paola Moscoso , and 3 more authors
    Ecological Indicators, Jan 2018
  2. Journal
    Catégorisation libre d’extraits musicaux et analyse automatique
    Nicolas Dauban , Paul Albenge , Ludovic Florin , and 4 more authors
    Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l’Information - Série RIA : Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle, Jan 2018
  3. Workshop
    Sound event detection from weak annotations: weighted-GRU versus multi-instance-learning
    Léo Cances , Thomas Pellegrini , and Patrice Guyot
    In Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2018 Workshop (DCASE2018) , Nov 2018
  4. Conference
    Toulouse Campus Surveillance Dataset: scenarios, soundtracks, synchronized videos with overlapping and disjoint views
    Thierry Malon , Geoffrey Roman-Jimenez , Patrice Guyot, and 7 more authors
    In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys 2018) , Nov 2018


  1. Journal
    Identification of categories of liquid sounds
    Patrice Guyot, Olivier Houix , Nicolas Misdariis , and 3 more authors
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Nov 2017


  1. Conference
    Sinusoidal modelling for ecoacoustics
    Patrice Guyot, Alice Eldridge , Ying Chen Eyre-Walker , and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of Interspeech 2016 , Nov 2016
  2. Conference
    Variation prosodique et traduction poétique (LSF/français): Que devient la prosodie lorsqu’elle change de canal?
    Fanny Catteau , Marion Blondel , Coralie Vincent , and 2 more authors
    In Journées d’Étude sur la Parole , Nov 2016
  3. Conference
    Vers la transcription automatique de gestes du soundpainting pour l’analyse de performances interactives
    Patrice Guyot, and Thomas Pellegrini
    In Journée d’Informatique Musicale , Nov 2016


  1. Conference
    Browsing soundscapes
    Patrice Guyot, and Julien Pinquier
    In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation - TENOR , Nov 2015
  2. Conference
    Soundscape visualization: a new approach based on automatic annotation and Samocharts
    Patrice Guyot, and Julien Pinquier
    In Proceedings of the 10th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering , Nov 2015


  1. Conference
    Towards soundpainting gesture recognition
    Thomas Pellegrini , Patrice Guyot, Baptiste Angles , and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 9th Audio Mostly: A Conference on Interaction With Sound , Nov 2014
  2. Conference
    Application du critère BIC pour la segmentation en tours de chant
    Marwa Thlithi , Thomas Pellegrini , Julien Pinquier , and 2 more authors
    In Journées d’Etude sur la Parole , Nov 2014
  3. Conference
    Catégorisation des sons de liquide
    Patrice Guyot, Olivier Houix , Nicolas Misdariis , and 3 more authors
    In Congres Francais d’Acoustique , Nov 2014
  4. Thesis
    Caractérisation et reconnaissance de sons d’eau pour le suivi des activités de la vie quotidienne. Une approche fondée sur le signal, l’acoustique et la perception
    Patrice Guyot
    Université de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier , Nov 2014


  1. Conference
    Water sound recognition based on physical models
    Patrice Guyot, Julien Pinquier , and Régine André-Obrecht
    In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013 International Conference on , Nov 2013
  2. Conference
    Two-step detection of water sound events for the diagnostic and monitoring of dementia
    Patrice Guyot, Julien Pinquier , Xavier Valero , and 1 more author
    In Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2013 International Conference on , Nov 2013
  3. Reconnaissance de sons d’eau pour l’indexation en activités de la vie quotidienne
    Patrice Guyot, Julien Pinquier , and Régine André-Obrecht
    In Workshop-Alzheimer, Approche pluridisciplinaire de la recherche clinique aux avancées technologiques-2013 , Nov 2013


  1. Conference
    Water flow detection from a wearable device with a new feature, the spectral cover
    Patrice Guyot, Julien Pinquier , and Régine André-Obrecht
    In Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 2012 10th International Workshop on , Nov 2012
  2. Conference
    Strategies for multiple feature fusion with Hierarchical HMM: application to activity recognition from wearable audiovisual sensors
    Julien Pinquier , Sertac Karaman , Laetitia Letoupin , and 5 more authors
    In Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2012 21st International Conference on , Nov 2012
  3. Communication
    Reconnaissance automatique de sons d’eau, une approche acoustique et perceptive
    Patrice Guyot, and Julien Pinquier
    In Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio , Nov 2012
  4. Communication
    Reconnaissance automatique et catégorisation perceptive de sons liquides
    Patrice Guyot, Julien Pinquier , Olivier Houix , and 2 more authors
    In Deuxièmes Journées Perception Sonore , Nov 2012


  1. Communication
    Reconnaissance automatique de sons environnementaux
    Patrice Guyot, and Julien Pinquier
    In Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio , Nov 2011


  1. Communication
    Indexation de données MultiMédia Embarquées pour le Diagnostic et le suivi des traitements des démences
    Patrice Guyot, and Julien Pinquier
    In Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio , Nov 2010
  2. Msc. Thesis
    Réalisation d’une application informatique pour l’analyse des échelles musicales de chants traditionnels du Sud de l’Italie
    Patrice Guyot
    Nov 2010